
February 16, 2010

Hechtia KM 85

I got this hechtia about 8 years ago labeled Hechtia KM 85 at a rare plant auction at a Bromeliad show. It was taken a long time to get this large and produce a pup last summer but I didn't look at it that close until this winter. The pup that came up has few spines, that would be great if it made no spines, It's very white in color that I love.

February 15, 2010

Fosterella elata

The flowers opened and are small like most fosterella's.

Very tall flower spike 4 feet high. The largest flower spike of any fosterella.
Plant is in a 6 inch pot.

February 9, 2010

Hechtia 'Carter'

Hechtia 'Carter' (macdougallii x guatemalensis)
This is a plant I saw flowering at Tropiflora. I have a few of these but have not seen it flower, can't wait for that to happen.

February 6, 2010


xDyckcohnia 'Conrad Morton'
Encholirium horridum x Hechtia macdougallii
Deuterocohnia longipetala 'Silver' x Pitcairnia burle-marxii

I was over at Tropiflora today and to see what they had that I do not. The only plants they had for sale I have already but I did see a few plant I would like to get that was not for sale here are a few photos of the the bigenerics that I would love to get. Maybe some day they will be for sale, I can only hope.