
September 28, 2010

Orthophytum supthutii or Lapa duartei


A little infor. about Orthophytum's
Orthophytum comprises 41 or 56 species (number depends on who you believe), An Alphabetical List of Bromeliad Binomials has only 41 and 7 varieties ) and seven varieties forming two easily distinguished
groups: one with a well-developed scape, informally called
the scapose inflorescence complex  and
the other group referred to as the sessile inflorescence complex.

The latter is further subdivided into three subcomplexes:
“subcomplex amoenum,”
“subcomplex vagans”
“subcomplex supthutii”

Orthophytum supthutiiis now Lapa duarteana

Wish I could tell the difference between them or what they may look like.  Which one's do I have in the photo's?
If anyone has photos showing the difference send them and I'll post it here.

Orthophytum supthutii is now Lapa duartei
Only 2 only 2 plant are in this new family they are:
Lapa duartei
Lapa itambensis

Lapa duartei

Orthophytum horridum

Orthophytum lucidum


 xOrthotanthus is a  bigeneric hybrid 

It is a Cryptanthus microglazioui x Orthophytum navioides
A NEW RELEASE  at 2010 World Bromeliad Conference.
This is not the first time this cross has been done, but is the first time by Michael Kiehl,  Nat DeLeon and I think Steve Hoppin also did the same cross.
That’s what shows but with * by Steve Hoppin name,
have no idea why.
Nat DeLeon cross was named  xOrthotanthus 'Blazing Bonsai'
Steve Hoppin I don't know if he named it when he did.
Sorry I don't have a photo of it when it was at it's best.

But it turns bright red with a lime green center. The flowers
are large and white petals. The base of the plant is surprisingly fat.

UPDATE 12/14/10

Tropiflora now had this plant for sale and they say it is a Hummel hybrid of unknown parentage.
Maybe I miss seeing some thing.

September 9, 2010

xNeophytum 'Galactic Warrior'

This is xNeophytum 'Galactic Warrior' it's a cv. of xNeophytum 'Ralph Davis' . A great looking plant in or out of flower. For me it's not easy to grow. I have seen larger plants and I don't know how they do it with out it rotting.

Well any way this one had flowered for me this summer not as well as other plants I've seen but it still flowered.

If you look close you can see it has seed pods. This is the first time I have seen seeds on this or any Neoregelia, Orthophytum or any bromeliad with the exceptions of Dyckia and Tillandsia's.

September 6, 2010

Dyckia reitzii v. rubra

I was able to get Dyckia reitzii v. rubra the other day and it was not cheap.
But one day I hope it looks like the one below and make some offsets so I could get some of my money back.