
March 30, 2011

Encholirium horridum

In the link below is a article from Cactus & Succulent Society of America

"There’s more than cacti in eastern Brazil—Some bromeliads we encountered"

I hope they don't care I link to them.

March 28, 2011

Dyckia 'Naked Lady'

Dyckia 'Naked Lady' (encholirioides X brevifolia ) or sometimes called Dyckia Nude Lady

I watch ebay for dyckia's like a lot of people do looking for plants I don't have. I notice that this just does not sell.

In the last 3 months it was listed 7 times but only sold once and the seller (it was not me) just got $7. during the same time, 255 dyckia's were listed with a Sell-Through of 71 %.

Dyckia Cherry Coke was listed 5 times with a Sell-Through of 100% and its way more common and got a lot more $. A large pot full got $90 at one time and $81 for about the same size plant at some other time. Can you believe it $90 and $81 for Dyckia Cherry Coke. what were those people thinking of

I don't why people don't like this dyckia, I think it's a very different kind of dyckia. Nice light green in color and no spines on the leafs but just a pointed leaf tip.

I have had Dyckia 'Naked Lady' for years getting larger and larger but not one flower on it. Now after years of growing it and moving up in pot size year after year it's going to flower.

The plant don't look its best as I have not cleaned up after this winter.

Did anyone ever have this dyckia flower and did it make good seed?

March 27, 2011


Spring is on its way (It's here in my part of Florida) so I think I'll show you the videos I did on repotting last year.

March 26, 2011

Whats New

Today was a good day as you can see I found 3 new dyckia I did not have.

Dyckia milagrensis (type) SEL 2007-0033 Bahia BR
This is a plant from Marie Selby Botanical Gardens with it collection # and was from the type plant.


Dyckia pseudococcinea SEL. 1993-003
Also from  Marie Selby Botanical Gardens with it collection #

Dyckia species (DJC RC Brazil) 2002
This was collected by Dennis Cathcart and Ray Coleman in Brazil

March 23, 2011

Dyckia choristaminea

Really like this little Dyckia, grows well and flowers ever year.
Have 3 forms of this plant.

Deuterocohnia longipetala

I have two forms of Deuterocohnia longipetala a green and silver. The green doesn't to much for me but it does have offsets but has not flowered. The silver I like alot, it flowers ever year but was not made any offsets.

Something New

This last weekend I had gone to The Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society Annual Auction. As always on the look out for any dyckia's I don't have or any plant I think is interesting.

I did manager to pay to much for 3 plants at the auction. They are:

Pitcairnia 'Flaming Arrow' pseudoundulata x burle-marxii

 xNeophytum  Neoregelia carolinae variegata x Orthophytum navioides
I don't know anything about this plant but as you can see not all of the leaves are variegated. As it put out offsets some of the offsets will have more variegated leaves and some with no variegated leaves.

 xNeophytum Orthophytum navioides x Neoregelia wilsoniana

Just a little bit about this plant.
Orthophytum navioides is a small plant and flowers in the center that turns red.
Neoregelia wilsoniana is also a small plant that is stoloniferous.
So when this starts to produce offsets they will be on stolons, its going to look great.

March 17, 2011

Dyckia beateae x platyphylla F2 (#3)

Very nice color dyckia. Love it.
Dyckia beateae the species crossed with

Dyckia platyphylla was a F2 What the father was I do not know.

From the seed that came up they were labeled with numbers, this is number 3

March 10, 2011

Agave 'Mr.Woodrow'

At one time I was going to collect agaves. So I picked  up some about 12 or so plants. As I started to plant them in my yard I come to find out I would need a larger yard which I did not have.

 Agave angustifolia  'Mr.Woodrow'
Agave lopantha