
April 17, 2014

Sansevieria sambiranensis

I got it  from Out of Africa when they first started to sell them.

 Some times it does OK  but then it goes backwards and loses more leaves then it makes. 
I don't think I will ever see it flower.

If it is Sansevieria sambiranensis it should have red flowers.


April 7, 2014

Pseudobombax ellipticum

some times it's called a shaving brush tree.

Flowering late winter or early spring with it's 5 inch flowers opening at night.

Leaves are first red turning green as they mature.

A winter deciduous tree and is drought tolerant, but does OK with our Florida rains.


It was getting to large so I cut it back last fall after it

dropped it's leaves. I've had this plant for about 30 some years.

You need two of them to get and seed. I only have one so no seed for me.


April 5, 2014

Tropiflora's 15th Spring Festival

I work at Tropiflora 2 weekends a year, the Spring and Fall sale Festival.
I job is just talk to people about plants.

The last few sales I say to my self I'm not going to buy any more plants, but that doesn't work.

Some time the plants they bring out I just have to bring home.
This sale I had to have a Navia arida  that was just $10 and then there was a Dyckia estevesii  looking plant for $4 now how can I pass on that?

Navia arida 


Dyckia estevesii looking

It may not stay this way but for $4 I had to have it.

Euphorbia francoisii

Euphorbia francoisii

Euphorbia hedyotoides

This one was a twofor (2 for 4 the price of 1)
Euphorbia francoisii Euphorbia hedyotoides.
I had Euphorbia hedyotoides before but lost it.

Friday April 04 - Sunday April 06
Tropiflora's 15th Spring Festival

is a three day event featuring thousands of Tropiflora's own plants placed on sale in special tents and on benches set up for the sale. All are sale-priced and marked for your convenience. In addition to our own plants, we host about 20 outside vendors selling plant material from bamboo to bougainvilleas, crotons, aroids, ferns, orchids, succulents, shrubs, annuals, fruit trees and palms. Free coffee and donuts in the morning. The Oaks barbecue restaurant has a tent with delicious lunches for sale. Live music brightens the atmosphere. Free parking and Free admission! Pet friendly! Hours are 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday and Saturday, and 10:00 am - 3:00 pm on Sunday.

Tropiflora is located at 3530 Tallevast Road, Sarasota, Florida 34243.