September 15, 2014
September 3, 2014
Bismarckia nobilis
This started as a seedling in a 1 gallon pot. I think that was 13 or so years ago.
This is the 2nd time it has flowered, will kind of. It makes a flower stem but no flowers yet.
It still may have flower this year have to wait and see.
Male and female flowers are on different plants. So I don't know what it is.
September 1, 2014
Navia arida
This is the 1st time flowering for me. Never had a Navia live this long to flower. Out of the two Navia's that can live and do will in Florida this is the 1st to flower (the other is Navia igneosicola ).
Little bit of soil got in the center of the plant.
This is some what a larger plant as it is planted in a 8 inch pot.