
November 9, 2014

Sarasota Bromeliad Society Show the day affter

The Sarasota Bromeliad Society Show and Sale had it's 30th annual  show and sale
at it's new venue at South Gate Community Center.

Not many people came to the Show or Sale. I think because it's a little off the beaten track and kind of hard to find.


I didn't take photos of all the plant but mostly the Succulent Bromeliads and the one that interested me.

Dyckia Arizona F2

Dyckia Nickel Silver

Dyckia Heaven and Hell  This is the only plant I put in the show

Dyckia fragrans

Dyckia Betty Garrison

Dyckia Arizona F2

Dyckia remotiflora

Dyckia snaggletooth F2 cv Pink Tooth

Dyckia snaggletooth F2

Dyckia snaggletooth F2

Deuterocohnia longipetala white

xNeophytum Cosmic Blast

xNeophytum Burgundy Hill

Orthophytum Warren Loose cv of gurkenii

Neoregelia pendula var. brevifolia

Hechtia lanata female


Pitcairnia maidifolia

Will add more later.