
October 29, 2009


Deuterocohnia longipetala silver form

Deuterocohnia meziana
Deuterocohnia  brevispicata 

Deuterocohnia  brevispicata 

Their is about 20 different Deuterocohnia's they are:
Deuterocohnia brevifolia
Deuterocohnia brevispicata
Deuterocohnia chrysantha
Deuterocohnia digitata
Deuterocohnia glandulosa
Deuterocohnia haumanii
Deuterocohnia longipetala
Deuterocohnia lorentziana
Deuterocohnia lotteae
Deuterocohnia meziana var.
Deuterocohnia meziana carmineoviridiflora
Deuterocohnia recurvipetala
Deuterocohnia scapigera
Deuterocohnia strobilifera var. inermis
Deuterocohnia strobilifera
Deuterocohnia schreiteri
Deuterocohnia pedicellata
Deuterocohnia seramisiana
Deuterocohnia scapigera ssp. sanctae-crucis
Deuterocohnia gableana

Deuterocohnia flowers can be bright yellow or yellow to orange and red.
Some have the flowers on stems that can be 3 or 4 feet in height and some do not. The flowers come from the center of the plant kind of like Cryptanthus (if it does have flowers on stems the stems are small and I can't tell). The plants with flower on stems can flower the next year on the same stem. Unlike alot of bromeliad's, Deuterocohnia do not die after flowering.


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