
August 5, 2010

Bill Baker hybrid's

 Dyckia Ruby Snow
Dyckia Brittle Star

Dyckia Brittle Star
Dyckia Gray Ops

I am trying to put together a list of all named hybrids by Bill Baker. Please help if you can.

This is what I have so far.

Dyckia 'California' - was named by Bill's himself
Dyckia Brittle Star - was named by Bill's himself
Dyckia Gray Ops - was named by Bill's himself
Dyckia Zebra - was named by Bill's himself
Dyckia Tarzan - was named by Bill's himself
Dyckia Son of Tarzana - was named by Bill's himself
Dyckia Toothsy - was named by Bill's himself
Dyckia 'Fuente' - Bill Baker Hybrid - Dyckia dawsonii and Dyckia marnier-lapostollei
Dyckia 'Bill Baker' - Bill Baker hyb but named by Chanin
Dyckia Diamond Crown - Bill Baker hyb but named by Chanin
Dyckia Pharaoh - Bill Baker hyb but named by Chanin
What about the plants listed below? Did Bill name them?
Dyckia Big Brazil
Dyckia Bill Paylen
Dyckia Icicle
Dyckia Keswick - unknown
Dyckia Ruby Snow
Dyckia Tarzana
Dyckia Warren
Dyckia Zinfandel

Plus all the un-named hybs. coming out on ebay that is said to be from him.

As of Feb. 5 2013

Just seen this on ebay and is said to be a Bill Baker hybrid or plants he had (?).

Dyckia 'Cleopatra'
Dyckia Tracking code 'CHH'
Dyckia 'Brittle Star' TC clone
Dyckia dawsonii 'Bill Baker's Clone


  1. Dyckia BigBrazil is a plant I got from Bill. He claimed it was fosteriana seed collected in Brazil. Obviously not fosteriana. So I call it BigBrazil #1. I also have a #2 from the same seed batch that looks nothing like this one.
    David Boudreaux

  2. Look what you guys did to me ! A few seeds and now I am dreaming of dyckias! Thanks Len & David for the start ! It may be a while for these to grow, but so excited about the possibilties of what will become of these seedlings...I guess this is a 'good' addiction. I never heard of a dyckia 2 months ago and was happy with my palm look at this can of worms..haha

  3. I am happy to see your excited about dyckias. It is a great group of plants.
