
August 2, 2013


Beaucarnea goldmanii a type of ponytail palm

I don't remember how long I have had this plant. A number of years (8 or 10 or some thing like that) I guess, it was a seedling when I got it.  Like most of my plants it came from Tropiflora who had collected the seeds in the wild (if I remember the story correctly ).

palmbob had this to say about it.

"This is a rare species in cultivation that closely resembles B recurvata, except it longer stems and a much sparser head of leaves- the leaves are a bit stiffer, but still recurve. This plant lives in a wetter climate than most Beaucarneas, but still seems to perform well as a deset plant and is extremely drought tolerant. It too gets a wide bootle-like trunk base, but not quite as striking as in most other species."

Beaucarnea goldmanii
My little helper

This is what Tropiflora was to say about it on it's web-page.
"Beaucarnia goldmannii A fairly recent introduction to cultivation. From the dramatic marble canyons of central Honduras, these plants have conical trunks and grassy blue-green foliage and stay proportionately the same their entire life. In habitat, huge specimens over 20 feet tall with bases about six feet thick and many graceful branches must be hundreds of years old. Cultivate bright, moist in the growing season, drier in cool weather."


"Beaucarnea guatemalensis 'Yellow Star'
A rare albomarginated form of the ‘Ponytail Palm’ with deep green leaves margined in white. This caudiciform plant from Mexico and Guatemala is well known and commonly cultivated throughout the world. However, variegated forms are rare and almost unheard of."

I also have Beaucarnea guatemalensis 'Yellow Star' that I found at a small plant nursery down at one of the Keys.

I have a hard time with this one. It doesn't like to get to wet and it slow growing.  The roots rot off if kept wet. In our summer we can get some rain evey day for  The base doesn't seem (so far) to get big and fat like most Beaucarnea's.

 My little helper for the day was my granddaughter Leliah age 3

One more thing please hit the like button or not.

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