
August 11, 2013

Bromeliad meeting auction

This is what happen if I don't go to a Bromeliad meeting when they have a auction with my wife.
Aechmea 'Blue Tango' with a large pup
 She said she always want one, so now I have to take care of it.
Can you believe at Stokes Tropicals it go's for $104.95.
xEnchotia Ruby
 This plant was in the sales room and the auction at the WBC I didn't want because it gets way to big.
Take a look at this link of Ray with plant in flower.

I have seen this plant at Tropiflora every time I've been there but I have not seen it with any offsets.

UPDATE Aug 11, 2013

Tropiflora had a few on it's VIPP for $75ea and in it's description it said that the 5 plants for sale came from  "offsets of the original clone". So I guess it does make offsets. Maybe they got them by stabbing the plant?
 Oh well some thing for ebay.

Neoregelia Luca
Don't know why she got this, she said no one wanted it, sooo she bid and won. I see why.

She comes home with plants she thinks I want and plants she wants but don't water or look at it ever again.

Love her anyway.

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