
October 24, 2012

Dyckia linearifolia and Dyckia tapayuna

Dyckia linearifolia is in Alphabetical List of Bromeliad Binomials, 12th Edition, June 2010

Dyckia linearifolia
Love the color of this Dyckia and the very small spines.
Dyckia tapayuna is not listed in the Alphabetical List of Bromeliad Binomials, 12th Edition, June 2010
Dyckia tapayuna

Almost looks like the Dyckia above doesn't it? Has good color also and also small spines.

Anyone know anything about Dyckia tapayuna? Is it a good name? It is not in Alphabetical List of Bromeliad Binomials, 12th Edition, June 2010

Some one said on Facebook is named for the native indians that live in the area where it grows.
But is it a good name?

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