
November 15, 2012

Hechtia montana


It seems this plant may be the silver or white  form of Hechtia montana. Most of the photo's that I can find on the net are of a green or some what green looking plant.

It also seems that a silver or white Hechtia's are common. 

To name a few Hechtia's that are silver or white are:

Hechtia aquamarina
Hechtia argentea
Hechtia lyman-smithii
Hechtia marnier-lapostollei

I looked at FCBS ( Photo Index and some photo's I couldn't tell what color the plant was. But the plants listed below might be silver or white.

Hechtia bracteata
Hechtia caulescens
Hechtia confusa
Hechtia lepidophylla
Hechtia perotensis
Hechtia zamudioi

Hechtia montana

Hechtia montana was slow to root but once rooted is growing what I would call fast.

Hechtia montana ‎January ‎12, ‎2012


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