
December 28, 2012

Euphorbia leucocephala

Kind of Poinsettia like, comes into color with the short days.

Delicate shrub with milky sap and whorled glabrous leaves. Flowering in mid winter, with abundant white inflorescences, the color coming from white bracts.


December 26, 2012

Dyckia's that are Variegated

There is lots of potential to see more Dyckia's that are Variegated.
Just look at Sansevieria's, it was that long ago where variegated Sansevieria were only found in a few Species but now almost all of the species have a variegated form. It's just a matter of time before we see more.

I far as I know  there are only 2 variegated Dyckia's around. That being  Dyckia 'Dakota' and Dyckia velascana 'Suppressed Anger'.

Dyckia 'Dakota'
 Dyckia velascana 'Suppressed Anger'

Some people think Dyckia 'Yellow Glow' is variegated I don't think so because  the variegation can disappear and can reappear if it likes or dislikes the growing conditions. If it was a variegated Dyckia the variegation might not be the best but it would still be visible.


I have seen a variegated Dyckia at Tropiflora a few years ago it had no tag so I don't know what it was or anything more about it. I don't think they have any more, I have not seen it in a long time. If I remember correcting Ray said it rotted. This was the best variegated Dyckia I've seen, so far.

 I have also seen photo's of what some call variegated Dyckia's but I don't see the so called variegation in them, I think it was just hopeful thinking on there part. Sorry guys.
One was a Variegated Dyckia marnier -lapostollei and the other was Dyckia platyphylla x Dyckia 'Charlot' called Dyckia 'Amber Queen'.
With all the people around the world interested in growing Dyckia's from seed all kinds of things can happen.


Constantino in Brazil has plants and photos of
Variegated Dyckia velascana at

and Dyckia hebdingii Variegated  that he found out in the wild that is very nice.
You can see at:



Constantino in Brazil has plants and photos of
Dyckia hebdingii rubra and variegated


December 16, 2012


It's that time of year when Rhipsalis start to flower.

Which one is it? Who cares.


I  have this one seeding of Dyckia Dakota f2. Sorry to say it's not Variegated.

Maybe some where down deep in it genes is a Variegated chromosome (or what ever you call it) that will one day show up in a offset.

Dyckia Dakota f2

Dyckia fosteriana Bronze is not a species but a hybrid.
I can see why who ever called it Bronze but have no idea that person didn't give it nice hybrid name like Bronze what ever.

Dyckia fosteriana Bronze

Dyckia goiana sp. goiana has the best orange (if you can call that orange) colored flowers I've seen in any Dyckia.

Dyckia goiana sp. goiana

Dyckia goiana sp. goiana flowers

Aechmea fosteriana just starting to come in to flower.

Dyckia dawsonii showing its best color at this time of year.


December 6, 2012

Dyckia Black Ice

This is just one more white/silver looking Dyckia Arizona' (F2) like so many.
It's from Michael's Bromeliads. I bought this plant because I love the name. 

I do like dyckia's that are white/silver like this one and all so dyckia's with the dark leafs with white spines.


December 3, 2012

Scilla socialis variegata

Scilla socialis  variegata

Scilla socialis or some times listed as Ledebouria socialis. This plant is the variegated from and is a some what rare plant. One reason it is rare is because the offsets are not always  variegated and the ones that are are not always the best.  As you can see not all of the leafs are variegated.

December 1, 2012

Orthophytum saxicola variegated

I think this is the best looking Orthophytum I have seen and only about 4 inches across. This is a hard to find plant for some reason. It was a easy plant to find 20 or 30 years ago. That was before it had name. If I remember correctly it was call It or ti.

November 30, 2012

Racinaea crispa

I saw Racinaea crispa at WBC that was for sale.

A very interesting looking plant to say the least.

I would have bought it but was told it  is a cloud forest plant that likes it shady, cool and humid.

Humidity got it

Shady could do that

but can't do anything about cool temperatures.

It is also said to be water- sensitive.
It is one of these plant what likes it cooler than Florida would get in the summer. Most Navia's are also like the cooler temperatures. That’s one reason you don't see to many round.

November 19, 2012

Contrasting colors

I really like the dyckia's that have contrasting colors on its leaves and thorns like the dyckia's shown below. The dark leaves with the white thorns stand out nicely.
With out looking them up I think they all have some Dyckia Arizona in them.

Dyckia Arizona f2 #4
Dyckia Arizona f2 #5
Dyckia Arizona f2 I thank

Dyckia Chocolate

Dyckia by me and I have no idea what's in it

Dyckia Larry the Chopper

Dyckia Heaven and Hell

To enlarge the photo for a better look just hit it.

November 18, 2012

Fall / Winter Flowering Dyckia's

Fall / Winter Flowering Dyckia's
Today is November 17, 2012 and these are the dyckia's I see flowering or going to flower in the coming days/weeks.

Dyckia estevesii seens like it's in flower all the time but the coldest months of winter.

Dyckia estevesii

Dyckia estevesii
Dyckia Silverback f2 the last time it flowered was March 2011
Dyckia Silverback f2

Dyckia Silverback f2
Dyckia goiana sp. goiana the last time it flowered was June of this year. 
Dyckia goiana sp. goiana

Dyckia goiana sp. goiana
Dyckia hebdingii f2  don't know when it flowered last.
Dyckia hebdingii f2
Dyckia marnier-lapostollei x Dyckia beateae I think this is the first time it's flowering.
Dyckia marnier-lapostollei x Dyckia beateae

Dyckia marnier-lapostollei x Dyckia beateae



November 15, 2012

Hechtia montana


It seems this plant may be the silver or white  form of Hechtia montana. Most of the photo's that I can find on the net are of a green or some what green looking plant.

It also seems that a silver or white Hechtia's are common. 

To name a few Hechtia's that are silver or white are:

Hechtia aquamarina
Hechtia argentea
Hechtia lyman-smithii
Hechtia marnier-lapostollei

I looked at FCBS ( Photo Index and some photo's I couldn't tell what color the plant was. But the plants listed below might be silver or white.

Hechtia bracteata
Hechtia caulescens
Hechtia confusa
Hechtia lepidophylla
Hechtia perotensis
Hechtia zamudioi

Hechtia montana

Hechtia montana was slow to root but once rooted is growing what I would call fast.

Hechtia montana ‎January ‎12, ‎2012


November 13, 2012

A new, eight-subfamily classification

I said some thing about this some time ago.
See the link below why this will happen.

From :American Journal of Botany 98(5): 872–895. 2011.

All this is way over my head.
 I don't know where Neoregelia's fall in this new classification. I didn't see any on the list.
I wish they made a list with all bromeliads on it.

Or at lease a little bit easier to understand for us non-science types like myself.
I also wish the BSI would do a article about this for us non-science types.


November 9, 2012

How does a dyckia multiply?


Not the best way to get plants that will look like the plant it came from. Dyckia's will cross easy with any other dyckia nearby in flower at the same time.



Stolons - can be 6 or 8 inches long maybe longer but that’s the biggest pot I have them in.
A easy way to get more plants with out to much pain

Offsets - new plants form just a little way from the base of the parent plant
Also a easy way to get more plants but with a little more pain.

Divide - the plant will just divide in half.
This is the very hardest way to get more plant and not the beat way to get more plants. You have to cut in between the two heads with out cutting one or the other to badly so they can root. Should wait for the two heads to get larger and it will be a little easier to do.