
June 15, 2013


If you grow bromeliads you should have at lease one Ananas. I think it's a rule of some thing.

I have 3 types and they are:

Variegated Ananas don't know which one.
Have not seen a fruit on it yet. Big plant in a 3 gallon pot.

Ananas lucidus Variegated
Makes a small fruit. Great color. 
Ananas Mini Me
Have not seen a fruit on it yet. Hope it flowers this summer.


  1. Glad you are back Len. Hoping all went well with your health! I see you back showing
    plants so guess all is well. I was away for a few wekks so have a lot of catching up to do...
    ANother one to add to my list...just need more acreage!

  2. I'm back but not 100%. Glad to no longer have a catherer, however I am on oxygen which they say will probably be on for at least 3 months. Found out I also have COPD.
