
July 9, 2014


For the most part I don't start seeds to grow things.
But seedlings do show up from time to time in some plants that I did not plant

This first two  plants came from Tropiflora in Sarasota, FL
Euphorbia iharanae

Euphorbia millotii
 The plant below came up last summer in a pot that had some other plant in it. I'm hoping it will be a
Euphorbia millotii x Euphorbia iharanae cross. But it may just turn out to be Euphorbia iharanae.

I have had Euphorbia millotii seedlings come up also.

Euphorbia millotii x Euphorbia iharanae

Haworthia limifolia variegated
This Haworthia limifolia variegated I've had for a few years now and has not put out any offsets.
But this year it started to do this. I got excited until I looked closer. Dyckia seeding.
I do get some seedlings of Dyckia that come up on there own. All have not been un-interesting.
Euphorbia viguieri 

Euphorbia viguieri 

Euphorbia viguieri  is getting to be a weed in my yard. I never planted any, I had one in a pot. Haven't counted them lately but I must   have 15 or so coming up in pots and on the ground.

Euphorbia geroldii
Also last summer I got my 1st seedling of Euphorbia geroldii that came up in some other pot.

Euphorbia geroldii

Euphorbia milii and or hybrids show up ever now and then.

This one came up about 5 years ago.


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