Dyckia beateae
This beauty, still uncommon, forms a large rosette, to over 12" across, with recurving, stiff, bronzy leaves that have really giant yellowish spines. ↑
Dyckia goehringii F2 G ↑
Dyckia goehringii F2 B ↑
This beauty, still uncommon, forms a large rosette, to over 12" across, with recurving, stiff, bronzy leaves that have really giant yellowish spines. ↑
Dyckia goehringii F2 G ↑
Dyckia goehringii F2 B ↑
Dyckia goehringii F2 A ↑
The only Dyckia goehringii's I have are not the true Species but a plants from seed from the true Species.
What the father was I do not know but it look close to the true Species.
From the seed that came up they were labeled with letters.